Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Name: Listiati Rahman
Disease: coronary heart
Believe in the Almighty and want to recover the spirit is one of the key success to restore the people's health. This is experienced Listiati Rahman, a mother of a professional Head of School Kindergarten.

Dialaminya incredible events are ready when the operation had been the heart and the operating room, but the doctor says the operation was canceled.

Genesis was the end of the series of natural diseases that befall me. Approximately two years ago, Listiati contract coronary heart disease. "Peak, penyakitku relapse and hams undergo Inpatient for 14 days in the hospital. After returning from the hospital, a friend suggested to mengonsumsi Tianshi products," said Listiati ".

In Listiati feelings, no fear to try, but the logical mind says another, what one tries. Without seijin husband, blond woman sebahu on this consultation with a doctor to bring all the rays and lab results.

Doctor explains how the treatment and Tianshi khasiatnya. "Two days later I decided to try mengonsumsi Tianshi products, namely High Calcium Nutrient Powder, Vigor and Cordicep,".

After three mengonsumsi sunday Tianshi, the Lis tells her husband. He does not believe that Listiati and must still be operated. According to Lis, "In November 2004, I will plan an operation. At that time, I have been through the preparation of operation and entered in the hospital operating room. Harapan Kita, Jakarta.

All the preparation has been done, the family was waiting with anxious hope-hope. Doctors who will perform the operation decided to cancel the operation. "The decision was taken based on the observation that the doctor rontgent last results show that shortly before Lis conditions in healthy, normal heart and no stoppage rontgent as before.

All that is in the operating room feel wonderment and miracle health will be amazed Listiati. "I own and my husband almost did not believe it. Moreover, the family is waiting outside the operating room, they are happy occasions. The gratitude and thankfulness to the Lord bowed down on health and healing this.

Up to now, we mengonsumsi Tianshi sekeluarga continue to maintain health. Thank you Tianshi, we are now with the spirit of disseminating information about the Tianshi friends and family, "said Lis who now have beraktifitas as usual.

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Andri Darmawan